Our Weekend
Late post for yesterday. This is what happen when I get very busy and something un-expected added to our schedule.
DH cleaned up the gutters and hoping that there are no more leaves land on them. We tried setting up the green house to but we did not finish and had to re-fold the plastics. I had a chance to clean one of the children bedroom and there are three more to go. Too much toys to get rid off, I hate when every family member just damps all the toys they can find in my house.
Sure, my children will never run out of toys, but the cleaning never ends. I thrown about a bag full of broken toys yesterday, and that was nothing. It will be bags and bags when I'm finally finish with them. I collected about two boxes of nerf gun/rifles, water guns, and bows. I will sure keep all of it, because I have 3 little boys in the house.
I also removed all the little clothes my children have in their closets and drawers. I don't want to throw them away, but I am running out of space to store them. I can really use the vacuum pack storage about now. I wanted to save all of them just in case the economy belly up and I cannot afford to buy new clothes. I can cut them up and make bigger size shirts and pants from them when I need to.
I will be hitting some clothing store when I have a chance. My 6 and 7 years old needs clothes. Second ODS is using his biggest brothers' clothes now, DD is the only one, so she will always need clothes every time, 4th son is the same because most of the smallest clothes does not fit him anymore and ones from his 9 year brother does not fit him as of yet.
Not much request for Christmas gifts yet. This is what we get when there is no TV to get the idea from. We always take them shopping for toys, but they never actually likes anything in the store. We can save a bundle...ha ha ha. They get more happy buying new clothes than anything. However, they have plenty of PC games and toy guns. DD have dozens dolls in her bedroom, I like it, but DH wants to buy them toys instead. I keep telling him that most toys are made in China, and I refuses to support a communist country. Not to mention that all those toys does last very long. I rather buy them from a toy maker in his own home.
Anyway, sorry for the rant at the end. How was your weekend? How much shopping have you done so far? And to answer my own question...none...ha ha ha.
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