LATSOF/Sky Watch Friday
Taken at the backyard today around noon. Showing off one of our apple tree that has flowers. Trees are still pretty bare in my area.
A Family's ventures to be free in this country. Living our life according to our Creator, the high "Almighty". It contradict the legality of this land however, pursuing the balance to the correct pathway somehow.
אֱלֹהִ֔ים grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.
All persons ought to endeavor to follow what is right, and not what is established. Aristotle
Taken at the backyard today around noon. Showing off one of our apple tree that has flowers. Trees are still pretty bare in my area.
As for me, what Holiday? Did Yeshua (sp? I always forget) really died last Friday and came back to life on Sunday? Maybe, but not April 22 or 24th. Who ever made the calendar just made up the dates for sure.
My family celebrate it as new beginning, the re-birth, or spring when everything came back to life. Don't get me wrong, I am very thankful for HIM for saving my ancestor from all the sins. And I acknowledge the HIGH ALMIGHTY, THE CREATOR, THE SAVIOR. And I am very happy, that I am not one of those people who are trying to belong to any congregation just to belong and to brain wash that I will be saved. I wished to be saved along with my family, but most people who belong are pretty sure they will be saved.
They wanted to be known for the good deed they have done. However, isn't it better to do it without the acknowledgment of many.
Yes, it's me. One of a kind. Does not follow what was established, but simply follow what my heart is telling and what is right. If you must ask, then you are not doing it right.
Yup, I am in pain today. DH took down some trees around the house yesterday and I am still feeling the hard work we did. Most of the trees that are leaning towards our yard are gone. He even took down one red maple and the only flowering cherry we have.
I am hoping before the end of the week, all the fruits trees are in place. DH is picking on me, telling me that he feels the same way, every time he gets home from work. Poor man, I would think he gets use to it after a while.
Two of his friends came by to help take down the big maple tree. Our backyard is so muddy right now. Dragging branches and putting them in a pile to burn was hard work. His friends did not stay for the dragging part. I'm just glad they stop by, because I don't think I will be able to pull the big tree away from other things that will ruin it.
I think I need to soak in hot water for a while. Every inch of my body ache. Good thing the children and I are on spring break this even hurt when I laugh...:D :))
Happy Monday everyone!
Some weird looking clouds I have today. Looks like they are cracked. These are taken today around noon.This one was taken under our maple tree.
Yes, we were @ Howell NJ over the weekend. DH joined in the fun.
Yes, I saw it. Some of my blogs backgrounds are messed up. I am working on it as I type this. I think momgen is cleaning up her photobucket account. So, please bear with me...working on solution right now.
An update....
I can't really do anything because PHOTOBUCKET is doing maintenance to some of my account. My other blogs background works fine, the other are not so lucky...I should change them to css one of these days. With that I don't need an image html. The colors will be included with the html code...
Whew! What do you know, we are in spring and my eldest son will be coming for the summer on the first week of May. His first year of college is finally coming to an end.
His siblings cyber school is already asking me to re-enroll them. I don't really want to but, I have to.
I have been very busy. I am gathering some old lessons from my older children to start making my youngest one lesson plan for the next school year for kindergarten. I will be teaching him without the help of PDE. I have three years before reporting that he is learning at home with my own curriculum. I am hoping before the three years is over, we can finally claim our freedom from anything in this country. And claim sovereign enough to do whatever we want, "our pursuit of happiness."
I also asked my mom to send me plenty of seeds to plant inside the house. Since these seeds will only grow in the tropic. We are planting a lot of fruit trees. Please read my other blog about vegetable garden. DH need to trim some trees before we can finish placing them all around the house.
I'm not really sure how the radiation will affect the fruits trees, but that is in the CREATOR hands. I am hoping we are worthy enough of his grace to remove all harmful chemical lingering all around us.
That's it for now. Have a great summery temperature, everyone.
"I'm a Research Associate in the field of Child Development and Human Relations. I have a continuing program of research (What mother doesn't?) in the laboratory and in the field (normally I would have said indoors and out). I'm working for my Masters, (the whole darned family) and already have five credits (four sons & one daughter, 1 joined the working community, 4 were educated @ home ). Of course, the job is one of the most demanding in the humanities (any mother care to disagree?), and I often work 14 hours a day (24 is more like it). But the job is more challenging than most run-of-the-mill careers, and the rewards are more of a satisfaction than just money."
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