How Was Your Holiday?
As for me, what Holiday? Did Yeshua (sp? I always forget) really died last Friday and came back to life on Sunday? Maybe, but not April 22 or 24th. Who ever made the calendar just made up the dates for sure.
My family celebrate it as new beginning, the re-birth, or spring when everything came back to life. Don't get me wrong, I am very thankful for HIM for saving my ancestor from all the sins. And I acknowledge the HIGH ALMIGHTY, THE CREATOR, THE SAVIOR. And I am very happy, that I am not one of those people who are trying to belong to any congregation just to belong and to brain wash that I will be saved. I wished to be saved along with my family, but most people who belong are pretty sure they will be saved.
They wanted to be known for the good deed they have done. However, isn't it better to do it without the acknowledgment of many.
Yes, it's me. One of a kind. Does not follow what was established, but simply follow what my heart is telling and what is right. If you must ask, then you are not doing it right.
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