Spinning Wheel
DH friend, the one whom he felt portrayed awhile back is letting me borrow a spinning wheel and he even bought some wool to give me. I am thinking that he is buttering DH for what happened last month...lol. Remember I said DH acting like he lost a girlfriend when he found out he lies to him.
Anyway, I have to learn how to spin wool. I don't even know if those wool are already clean. He went to west Pennsylvania to do some business and he stop to a place that sells raw maple syrup. DH said that he also found some wool there, I guess the place is a farm.
I guess I will find out this Friday what the condition of those wool. I already watch a video on how to clean it, but I don't know what to used to strengthen them to get it ready to spin into thread. I have plenty of searching and reading to do ahead of me.
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