I appreciate the guest post, Ignacio Phillips
I absolutely love my new job! My boss is fabulous in that he tells me exactly what he wants me to do and how. At my old company, I never was really even told what to do, it was just expected of me, and then the boss would get pissed if I didn’t read his mind. Not here, though. The boss is so straight forward. He’s all, “I need you to go to www.t1internet.net and get a contact phone number, call them up, and ask when our bill is due. See if you can work out an automatic payment system.” I’m like, THANK YOU. I’m used to “why haven’t you gotten an automatic payment system set up?” Meanwhile, I’ve never even heard a thing about doing that. I am a good employee. I work hard and do what is expected of me, but that is just it; I have to know what is expected of me. To me, this seems like an obvious thing a boss should know regarding having an assistant, but apparently not all do.
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