Whew! A Month has Gone...Again
I cancelled a few of my EC cards last week, and I tried going back on their website after a few days and the site just kept on loading and nothing. I am glad that they are gone. Another less stress for me trying to drop on those who dropped with mine. (I haven't done it in a year or so, I think) I also stop playing the addictive game of farmville. Geezzz, they added another farm and my online neighbors hardly help anymore, so was that. I did not say goodbye to anyone (like they care anyway) just in case I still have an itch to play when my family is not bothering me...lol.
I can nap most days now. This napping schedule is scaring me because I might get bigger than I am now. I'll try very hard not to eat too much before the nap, hoping that will stop the weight gain...lol. I have been reading gardening/planting/allotments/farms for my personal gain. With an acre lot, I know we can plant more than what we are doing now. Its a dream of mine to have most of what we need planted/save/cans/frozen in our cupboard. I have so much to learn and with DH helped it seems easier.
Learning at home lessons with my children is doing well. Our schedule is set on what we will everyday. Even if we can't do any lessons from the books, I always try to teach them some household chores that a regular person should learn. And those are also added on days lessons. The weekends are also counted if we do some instructional learning.
As long as the government does not knock on our door and question the way I educate and brought-up my children, I am a happy flesh and blood.
Oh have you notice that this blog has a PR 2? It does not matter to me anymore. I don't need the PR because I don't participate to pay post because I have to cut Uncle Sam part of the earnings. I rather work under the table. They can't have any part of my hard work anymore...enough is enough. They should work themselves.