Just An Update
Another month came and gone. September is here and colder temperature is in the air...lol. A friend of mine is suppose to come next Wednesday from California. I still don't have any idea why she is leaving her long time partner of six years. If she is really leaving him, she better tell him before she leave, because I don't want to be in the middle of it all.
A month and a half going away at the other side of the country does not look so good to me. Hopefully she does not have someone waiting here in my area for her to try out for a month in a half. That is simply absurd. If I'm the man, there is no second chances. No way I will be one of the choices. I want to be the only one. I have to wait and see what this hoopla is all about when she gets here.
On another note, this is the beginning of my thirteen years with DH. SIL mentioned that thirteen is bad luck, well I hope not. With all the work DH and I put in this marriage, thirteen can be just another number to make it to another thirteen or more years together.
My neighbor got back three weeks ago. I was a little surprised when she hardly come out of her house. I can see the children playing outside but that's all. Well, I found out that she did called me from across the road. However she wasn't mad about it. And the reason I cannot find her outside her house was because she lost her father while she was visiting them. So, everything is well with her.
My friend from grade school that I mentioned a while back who work for a lesbian couple in HongKong turned out she likes both sexes. Whoa! What a news to dropped on me when we had spoken about whom we liked when we still live in the same town. She was with the girl before marrying a man. Now she is back with that same girl twenty years later. Well, good luck with that I said. She have three children from that marriage. Geez, what is going on with people.
Our learning at home with my own curriculum is doing pretty well. This is our third week and I am using a days count not hours counts to report to PDE, which I think 180 days to complete the school year. We completed 10 days so far, so we have 170 days left...woohoo!
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