What a Saturday
Our septic gave up on us, around Friday morning. Since we are having a very warm day, the snow around our house are melting. Our septic somehow, getting all the meting snow and got filled us so fast. We found out Saturday, when they pump it out, that our outlet was fitted with smaller pipe. Maybe the fitting broke or the people who put the septic did not care that the whole in the septic was 2 inches wide and they put a 2 inch pipe going out. So, the 2 inches difference is where all the water from melting snow coming from.
We had and appointment to go to around 12 noon Saturday. And since we can't use any water inside the house on scare of overflowing the septic. We had to wait until they take it away before filling it up again.
Then, we had a pest problem in the kitchen too. We got the pest taking care of, but I needed to make some dish for this appointment. I can't clean the counter top because of our septic. I almost gave up, but DH got mad saying that everyone knew that his whole family is coming. To make the story short, I was running around like a chicken with no head to get everything and all the children ready.
No breakfast and lunch for us either. We did not eat until 6:30pm. I was famished and so was our children. I did not have enough energy to cut the brisket I cooked for this gathering. I let my children eat before we said grace. I'm sorry, but when everyone was running around looking for some food, or smoking cigarette outside, I can't let my children starve waiting for them. Sure, if I am not hungry I will be all over too before eating and finally sit down when everyone got their food. I hated that whole day. The only good thing came out of it, is we are all together and I learn a lot about the word of Yahweh.
All because DH refuses to terminate the stupid pest a day before. He even refuses to kill an ant. I should put him inside a tank with plenty of mosquitoes, let's see what he will do. I am still recuperating from stress. I am glad today is holiday.
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