Too Big For Diapers
I know my DS #3 is way overdue on his potty training. With my first son, speaking got in the way on his potty training. The second one had similar problem but both can understand me. But they can't tell me if they need to go or not.
My DD was only 2 years old when she was trained. She was so easy but took a long time to get use to using the bathroom. One day she will do it herself the next day she will not go unless I take her inside and sit her down.
Now my 4th (he is my 3rd DS), I tried so many times since last year to train him and I failed. He needs to go to school in September (he is 3 and turning 4 in July) and I'm not giving up now. I need to take that diaper off him. Today he doesn’t want to put his underwear on, and he's telling me to put his diaper on. So I let him walked around with out them. Finally around noon he agrees on wearing them again. I think he will do the same thing again tomorrow. And I'm ready for it. Plus he knows how to potty in the toilet. He's been doing it every time he takes a bath. I don't know why he is giving me such a hard time.
Before the school was over I was thinking training him and my youngest one(DS#4). With his progress I think I will hold off my youngest (he is almost 2) until his big brother goes to the bathroom by himself. I don't want to fail again so I have to make sure the older one gets it first before starting the youngest one. In my opinion summer is the best time to do it, because I don't have to go anywhere so much.
Yea, potty training is tough. My oldest, a girl, was hard, but she was trained by 3. My second, a boy, was trained by the babysitter by 3. I just reinforced what she told me to do. The third was trained by 2 1/2. She's a girl. And I have a 1-year-old girl that I'm gonna wait another six months to see if she's ready. I've always introduced the potty early. They seem to like that.
Then when it's time to train they're more willing to sit on it. The youngest loves the bathroom and always wants to go in when someone else is in there so I'm hoping she'll love it as much when it's time to train.
Good luck!
My 2.5 year old daughter likes sitting on the potty, likes wearing big girl underwear (I buy those thick training pants), and has gone in the potty a few times because we sat her there with a book and just waited long enough.
But she still has not learned to "hold it", and will just pee right on the floor. She doesn't understand telling me that she has to go at all. She will be 3 in November and could go to preschool, but has to be trained.
I just keep putting her in the underwear and cleaning up the messes, because I feel like I need to get her used to learning that she doesn't like being wet.
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