DC Done with Lessons & We Are Off Until January
Yay, can you see me doing the happy dance here...lol. Ahhh, two weeks that I don't have to teach. I can also drop ec non-stop for two weeks. Oh how I missed my me time.:)
We finished their class at noon today. We ODS has no school of we are supposed to have 6 inches and more of snow. The snow started around 10am and still going on, and right now it's 1:30pm.
I fed the kids and send them outside. Right now I'm watching from the window. My YDS is sick so I have to stay inside with him. DH is busy fixing his attachment plow for his law mower to plow our driveway. ODS is shoveling the walk path and the end of the driveway. Taking the pile of snow that the plow truck pushed out when they plowed our road.
My second and 3rd DS are outside playing on the snow along with their only sister. I think this is our 4th or 5th snow but this time we have more. They can't wait to finish their lessons today to play outside. 3rd DS just lost his snow hat and he got the worst cough with all of them. However he is the toughest of them all.BTW, like you can see in the picture it's still snowing outside. A little dark because I took this picture from a close window. I am too lazy and too cold to open it up.
We are on winter break!!! I know I could have gone ahead with the lessons but I'll let them decide if they want some lessons or not during our break. But for now let me enjoy my ME time.
Dear Nedekcir,
I wish you Yuletide Joy and A Blessed New Year together with your family.
Happy Holidays!
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