Busy Week
On Monday we went to my PIL's house and helped DH clean their yard to get it ready for fall. Poor people hasn't cut their grass since spring and the weeds are like trees already. DH like to do everything for them, but his mother is very anal about hiding herself from anything.
There are some over grown yew's that she refuses to let DH trim. They can't park their car next to the front door anymore, because the yew's are huge and leaning towards the driveway. For Christmas we are thinking about planting some cheap pine trees (about 5' tall pine trees that are cheap) in-front of those yew's and cut them down when the trees are bushy enough to cover the public's view to her front door/driveway. DH said that she will be dead by the time those trees are big enough...he makes me laugh sometimes.
Don't get me wrong, they have a huge property and all the cut branches she wanted in one pile somewhere that no public can see. Did I mention her property is totally covered with over grown weeds? Yea, you can put all of the clippings anywhere in my opinion. But DH and I both know, if we don't follow what she wanted, his father will be the one moving it in the correct place/where she wanted them.
She is also an organic freak, but is it that I saw...a hanging tomato plant that I saw in a commercial a few months back. There is no way that plant is organic...no way. The flower beds are filled with grass/weeds and so many things. She don't want us string trim them, even there are no more flowers growing in them.
Anyway, enough of that...my kids had a teachers' visit this week too. My 4th grader is getting lazier everyday, and his speech therapy started this week too. I am reading some information with the organization about teaching my kids at home by myself next year. I think the best thing to do is get an appointment with this people and all the question we have about how it works. Membership is $1000 forever but we need to pay it in one lump sum. Not bad, because we get more than that on tax return. The high cost with curriculum and everything will be about $1000 per child too. But I can re-used everything, I only have to buy all grade level once.
There will be no testing from what I heard, that is what I like the most. We have lawyers standing by just in case the government and state knock on our door to tell us that we are doing our kids education the wrong way...another plus and we can provide anything we want them to learn. We don't have to buy their curriculum.
I can't wait to make my own lesson plans. We can be more flexible than ever...vacation anytime of the year when we can afford it...yessss this is what we (DH and I) like from the very beginning.
Ok, enough babbling about my life...How are you today?
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