Weekend Updates
Actually this is more like, "our Christmas vacation" type of update...lol. I finished the things I listed that needed to get done around the house. Well, my part that is. I did finished folding and putting away the children clothes. Their closets are now filled with their everyday clothes, new clothes and hand down clothes. All socks and underwear are back where they are supposed to be.
I even gave all the children a trim from the over grown summer haircuts I gave them. They all look very cute after that. My 1st grader is looking more like a little man every day. DD had her bangs trimmed as well. She's been looking through them for a while, and the same with my youngest son. I'm hoping the hair will last until spring, because that's the next time we have a mini vacation from learning.
My ODS is home since Thursday noon. DH picked him up from his father's house. He will be with us until Sunday. It's good to have him back even for a little while during his winter vacation from college. Again, I don't have to worry about on what to cook. I just ask him, and that is what I make, and everyone eats it. Furthermore, left over is not an issue when he is around.
We went to a New Years party on Saturday afternoon, and we did not get home until 1AM the next morning. Of course everyone was sleep until noon the same day. What a day to start school the next day...:))
DH been home a lot lately. The snow we got last time was a joke. I am happy that he can spend some time with the whole family on winter months. However, I can hardly see him when we get a lot of snow. He usually come home to change clothes, have coffee or pick up some homemade lunch. Then he will sleeps until he is not tired anymore. That starts his day and night mixed up, and will not get into his normal routine until a few days later after coming home from plowing snows. If we have a back to back snow storms, well, I get a very grumpy DH...lol.
First day back to learning today. We did good, we were done exactly at 3pm. I was stressing out before today that we will not get done until bedtime again. I thank all of them for being good and cooperative today. It's always nice when everything goes with our schedule. Tomorrow will be a little different, my 4th grader have a live lesson via elluminate around noon. Then his speech teacher will come at 3pm for his session. So, there will be two extra hours he will not be doing lessons.
That's it for today. How was your first Monday in 2011?
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