Payless Domains
I am thinking about getting another blog and using my maiden name to register a domain name. I registered that domain name in May and cancel it a day later because I don’t know how to use the program from that web hosting site. Now I’m trying to use it again and it says that it was taken and it will be release next year in May. Bummer, I guess I have to think of other name instead. And I’m also in the market for new web hosting. I like my domain registration with 24 hour 7 days a week customer support & with the following free services like email hosting, URL forwarding, management tools, domain name parking, member accounts, renewal reminders, no contract and fast approval. I was looking around online and found Payless Domains. This is the cheapest I found so far and they have everything that I am looking for in a web hosting site.
Hi nedekcir,
I am late in catching up with your articles.
About registering a domain name, etc., etc., if you need any clarifications - please email me and I will do my utmost to answer and to clarify any issues that you might still have.
There are several advantages in hosting your own BLog with your Domain.
God Bless you Always,
Wind Mill
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