Rec Room Cleaned
For two weeks now, my oldest son had been taking some friends home twice a week. Our family room downstairs has never been cleaned for the longest time. I hate cleaning it because as soon as I'm done my three youngest ones, will just mess it up again. It doesn't even take them a day to mess it up.
I do feel bad sometimes (yes only sometimes) when my ODS bring friends home because that room is always a mess. They might think that we never cleaned. So, yesterday after breakfast we all went downstairs and I cleaned. I put the toys away, put everything that are broken and not needed in the garbage and re-arrange the furniture. I am glad this morning when I went down there that its still uncluttered. Hoping to stay that way until Tuesday because that's when my ODS bring friends over. At least they will think that we still clean.
Tuesdays and Thursdays are the days they come over. That means I have to cook extra dinner on those days too. So far we met 5 of his chess buddies, one of them tuned the guitar that my little ones played with. It's nice to know his friends.
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