One Less Child
It is official that my ODS is leaving home to go to college in western PA. He will be graduating from high school this Friday. BTW, I still don't have a sitter. I might be going by myself. I will like for DH to come but no one can sit the kids. I may have to bring my little girl with me instead.
The nice part of him going away to college is, I don't have to wake him up in the morning anymore. He stays up until 4am every night, he comes home from school and go to sleep. I kept on telling him, I hope you last longer than one semester. With the attitude like that I have no faith he will last.
DH and I both agree that he should stay closer, but there is another parent say. We were out voted. At least, when he is closer, I can spy on him, making sure he is not wasting money.
Ah, all I can say is, stay together and work everything out, especially when you have a kid.
What an interesting time for you. I have two more years until my first goes to college.. that is going to be SO HARD!
Hi Nedekcir,
Golly, reading about your's the same with my youngest son who's in his 2nd year doing Pharmacy.
He is what the Malay idiom describes as a "kutu embun". Which means a flea of the morning dew. LOL!
Just like your son, he stays up till the wee, wee hours of the morn and then hibernates till the afternoon.
I wonder how he attends classes like that.
God Bless you and family always,
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