Nasty Tricks
I tried calling my parents over the weekend to see if I can get through. I was very lucky because the phone at the other end was ringing. Sure enough, I finally caught them in town. My mother said, "your godson is driving a tricycle now, he finally got his license yesterday. You're father and I gave him money to pay for it." I was thinking good, at least they have some type of income added to my brother working solely for the whole family.
She mentioned that my sister in California will be coming in April. My answer was, "good luck meeting her face to face," because I am sure she will not go home to the province, but will stay in Manila the whole time.
Then she mentioned that my sister in law got a text telling her that my brother (the one I am talking about above) is cheating on her and that he already got another kid with the other woman. I was shock because I knew from the very beginning how much he loves his wife, and he will do anything for her. I could not sleep on Saturday evening thinking about it.
I was thinking, did he lost his mind or my sister in law did some pretty bad things to him. But my mother insisted that my sister in law never done anything. So, I came with the conclusion that what she got is wrong. I was very sad the whole day yesterday thinking what it could be. I have to wait until the evening before calling him because I know he works hard and I don't want to wake him up in the middle of the night.
I blurt out ask him, I knew my brother, plus he is the only one I got and he never lied to me before. He said, that his associate might gotten his wife's phone number from his phone, because he let them borrow it when they needed a phone. And he also mention that since, he always get picked to go to another country for a business trip, that the person who gossip is jealous of him and wanted to hurt his family. What a nasty way to show it, I told him.
Here I am thinking about every scenario just because one of his co-worker does not like him because he is trustworthy. Even his boss told me about it one time because I got his boss extension, I forgot my brother's extension at work and ask for his boss instead. I know my brother will never hurt his wife, and I wanted to make sure he did not lost his mind. Plus, he is already a grandfather, and starting over with a young wife and kid is not like him.
DH saw me crying over skype and after I hung up, he knew right away I was talking to my brother. I told DH it wasn't true, and asked me if I feel better. Of course I feel better, the people under him are nasty in my opinion. That is not very nice of them...just wait for their KARMA, it will come, if not now, later, I'm sure of it. My brother only rent a room in Manila and his family have a house in the province. I would be mad too if I receive a text telling me my husband is unfaithful. I trust my brother and I have a lot of respect towards and I look up to him. I told him, never ever do such thing because my heart will be broken and I will never respect him anymore and I don't want to lose him as a brother. He promise me that he will never do it because he don't want any headache plus, he loves his wife. Good, I said.
I'm already not talking to one of my siblings, I don't want to make it more than that. Plus, he is the only brother I have, blood related that is. Whew! What a weekend, my family actually stayed home, but I didn't enjoy it much because of this. Goodness, too much drama, I hate drama.
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