Fuel Alternatives
Have you heard of this, OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) is spreading misleading information about biofuels in attempt to stop domestic energy production? I am for any alternative energy, you all know that, even hydrogen fuel. And I wish the government would stop meddling with citizens who are trying to find alternative source of fuel. With the price we are paying now I would like to use other than gasoline, don’t you? See the World Biofuels Industry Open Letter to OPEC. I don’t think its right that the oil cartels are the only one allowed to sell fuels. We should have an open market. I believe having competition brings the prices down not up, like what is going on right night.
Personally I feel that the search for alternative fuels is one of the positive moves in response to the rising fuel's price rather than to complain about the rise. I am for alternative fuels too.
I am complaining because the government is keeping the good source from public.
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