Vincent Shoes Giveaway
Have you heard the phrase "April showers brings May flowers". My kids loves to play outside in spring (they can't wait to have nicer weather) especially right after the rain. They can make 4 pairs of shoes dirty in only a few hours. If you have kids you know what I am talking about. They grow up too fast and the boots I bought for them are whether broken or too small and I don't buy a pair every year. Anyhow, look at the images below. I have a chance of winning one at Peanut Butter and Smelly's Dad. Getting something for free is a blessing. The shoes are courtesy of Vincent.This would be better if they have matching umbrellas and raincoats. However, I will take anything for free that we can use. Go over to and try winning a $75 gift certificate to Vincent shoes.
Cute galoshes!
It's My Party
The Fashop
In My Home
Thanks for stopping by Ria.
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