Wolfenstein Anyone?
This is what my 34 month old DS (youngest) doing early in the morning. We only have 4 pc that can play certain games. So, what does he do early in the morning after waking up? Playing the Wolfenstein game on his brother's pc. We have enough pc for everyone not including the school computers, but like I said the other three can not handle certain games. Same reason why I can't use my own pc after school. They play games on it and I end up using the laptop.
The above photo was taken early this morning. Most of the time I put him in the server with mostly BOT (robot), however he gets kick out often when other people come in and join. He does not follow the other direction because he can't understand them and can not read what they are typing to him. And sometimes he will accidentally shot one of his team mates and gets ban from the server. Then I will hear him yelling and crying. Right now he is the only one playing, no BOT and no other people, which is good for him.
Kids really knows a lot in computer specially games. TC just visiting.
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