I heard that Airborne got sued for false advertising. They are saying that the product does not prevent cold. Come on everyone knows that there is no cure for cold. And I don't care about this nutritionists who said that the product is over price, run-of-the-mill..."whatever" I may say.
He sit on his bottom all day and goggled the net and asked himself "who can we sue today". Why because there is not single chemical in Airborne ingredients? Maybe they are running of funds since they are a non profit organization.
So if I don't like my neighbor, it doesn't give me right to make their lives miserable and sue them.
That is America for you.
BTW, I love Airborne even if they are pricey. My favorite flavor is the Apple Cider nighttime. It clears my sinus every time I drink it. I like anything all natural.
hai.. i was here in ur site :)
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