Something Is Wrong
We all know (northern countries) that spring is just around the corner, I always gain weight during the winter months and I try to lose it all plus more in the warmer months. Yesterday, I woke up early to cook my teenager breakfast in a long time. I think I was up around 5:30 in the morning and by 1:30pm I was exhausted. My shoulders and arms can't function anymore.
Don't get me wrong I love to eat, especially if you put shellfish in front of me. I started to eat less to get my stomach get use to eating less food. Staying home while trying to lose weight does not work for me. If I have a job it's very easy, because I don't have a kitchen at work. Even when I worked in a restaurant, I never had time to set down and eat.
I want my weight back when I met DH. I am so jealous of him right now, because he is almost the same size when now when I met him. He always tell that he love my love handles however, I don't and I think he is just saying that because he is married to me.
How are these people with the same kids count like me keep their weight in control? What is it, smoking a pack a day and eat one meal? However that is not healthy. Ahh, what a life.
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