I was able to drop 1200 EC today. Now, I need to get some zzz and start again tomorrow, huh I'm addicted. Very tiring, I should start reading about no-script dropping more to make it faster. It takes me such a long time to drop, I envy those people who can do 300 for 30 minutes. I enjoy doing it however, it's very annoying when I wait for blog to load. In addition, I can only drop during the busy hours when every one else are home doing something in the internet.
Can anyone help make my dropping faster, anyone? Goodnight for now and I will you all in the morning.
I am new to EC and man there are a lot of blogs full of ads that really down my pc...some pages are so full they wont even load...I do good to drop 10 a day...anyways just wanted to say hi
I could never accomplish dropping 300 cards in 30 minutes! I spend way too much time reading and leaving comments. :-D
Hi Georgie, I agree 100% about ads slows down the loading period. They said that dropper under no-script is faster. I don't have any idea what does meas but I would like to find out.
Lynne, yes how do they do it? 300 in 30 minutes.
download the entrecard toolbar, it's faster to drop that way. hope it works for you.
Hello Shimumsy, Yes I have that it helps to see how much the ads cost or if i have ad on queue but that's about it. It does not make any faster.
1200 drops in a day!
Nedekcir, EntreCard should bestow the Dropper of the Year Award to you.
WOW! Your really dedicated to drop IC, I couldn´t do that! Congrats!
That's a lot of drops in a day. Bow to you! I can't do such thing..lol
Keep it up!
thanks for always dropping in my site..
sorry for being absent, been busy with offline life..no time for serious dropping and blog hopping..
its nice to be here again though...take care
WM, you are too kind...lol.
Shy, thanks it only happens once in a blue moon :).
Twinks, you are always welcome. Don't worry about it because I like doing it between house works, teaching and being a wifey...lol.
Have a great week everyone!
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