My Maintenance Man
If something does work all of a sudden on your computer, trying re-starting it first. My Kinder's printer decided to stop working last week. I thought right away that he did something wrong but somehow he can't tell me what he did. Nope, I did not re-start the computer right away it took me a few days before thinking hard on what to do. Today I tried the scanner and it work just fine. I asked DH to check it out for me, he doddle for a little bit and asked me if I restarted it. Duh, I knew that, and why did I not try it first. I guess I'm not thinking hard enough or did I just think too
When DD got a new teacher on the third week of October she schedule a meeting through Elluminate. However, Java is not even installed on the computer and I had to install it before she can use Elluminate. I could not wait and just borrowed DS (3rd grader) pc to do the meeting. Last week is the first time she attended a live lesson for her grade. She wanted to answers some question that the presenter was asking. She got called just to found out that her mic and headphone was not working. Crap! What happens to plug in play stuff?
Today I asked DH to play with it and he can't find anything wrong with it. He just click buttons and did not change anything and not even 15 minutes he got everything working even the microphone. He said he did not do anything but check and look if everything is working. And they are all working.
Now, I think that DD's computer is a girl and just needed a man touch...ha ha I toggle with that stupid thing and almost throw it in the ground and DH sits there for less than 15 minutes and it works...argh.
Now she can listen to her music cd's (from school) and not bother anyone. And she can answer question using the microphone, unless it gives me another hard time when I touch it again tomorrow.
Thank you so much DH.
Image Credit: i.ehow
Funny computer. Now I wonder if my computer also need that kind of touch as well. :P
Nyumix's Blog
lol, you should try it out. You have nothing to lose.
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