After Seven Months
Remember when I complain about the Japanese a cat fish I have in our fish tank? I always asked DH to take it out or give it back to the fish store, but he did not do anything about it. Like I mentioned before I bought other fish to join the cat fish, but all it does was eat the little ones.
Well, since July (after eating the last bought fish) I did not add anymore. It was alone until a week ago. The fish tank was getting very dirty and dark, and I bought a sucker fish (algae eater). I made sure I got the biggest one I can find because I don't want the Cat fish eating it, I wanted the tank clean. After two days the tank was clean again, this algae eater was very hungry, I assume.
A week later, the algae eater moved into the sunken ship inside the tank, where the big cat fish was hiding. I think the algae eater was still cleaning and drove the cat fish out. After a day being out of hiding it fell ill. It started lying right side up, and yesterday it was confirm dead. There was no movement and not gasping for air anymore.
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