Emotionally Drain
Being an adult and have kids takes a lot. Being an adult sucks and I wish I can go back and become a kid again. There are no worries if I can turn back time right now.
Kids problem is nothing compare to what adults gets into. If they only realize how easy their lives are right now. Worrying what to wear, if a boy or girl likes them, if they can pass an exam, what their friends are saying and a lot of stupid things adult will never care about because we have other things, and more important things to worry about.
Live you life to the fullest, life is short enjoy it...how can an individual do this if you have responsibility. Responsible adult have worries.
As adults we have to not dwell on our worries. As the children grow older the worries will lessen. Or at least they will change.
No kidding....why is it for the human mind....we always think the grass is greener. I can even remember when I was in high school thinking ...oh life would be sooo easy if I could just be working full time and making all that money and spending on what ever I want:P
Well little did I know that once I got there I would look back and wish my biggest worry was passing a test or having an assignment handed in on time.
We are funny creatures!
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