Too Quiet, He Said
ODS goes to an after school activity in his school. And that after school activity is chess, he plays three days a week. On Monday I packed everyone to our van to pick him up, well you know I have to because my second oldest child is only 8 years old. God forbid someone saw me leaving him at home by himself, I may end up in jail somewhere.
Anyway, DH came home early and told me that the house was too quiet and he ran out of things to do. Mind you ODS school is only 15 minutes away, one way. So, could have gone for 30 minutes or so. I wish I have that much time to spend for myself. How I long to have a quiet time for even 30 minutes.
It will never happen unless all our kids move out of our house. Not a second spare that I have to yell "STOP IT", "SAY SORRY TO YOUR BROTHER/SISTER", NOW!", "BECAUSE I SAID SO". And he complained that the house is too quiet. How silly...:)
Nedekcir, you may have to ask the kids to step up with their noise when he is back home.
:)) I wish he takes the kids out by himself. I can have a quiet time for 30 minutes.
I forgot to mention that you better take some rest Mr. Windy. I wish for you to see your grand kids. Take it easy, I am glad you can come around but your health comes first. Maybe I should nail something in your chair to keep you off Have a good weekend ahead.
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