Have You Notice...
Remember my post "I may be homeschooling earlier than I thought", I mention that we will be under martial law by October 1st. You will not hear it from any TV station or radio station because they are privately own. And regulated by our government or the rich people of this country.
Anyway lets get back to my title. Have you notice any weird looking convoy of vehicles in your highway? Watch out for it, I know they are around. On October 1st I went out to picked up my kids medical papers from the doctors office and I saw this weird convoy.
White SUV with an official or government license plate in the very front. The driver is wearing black uniform looks like the swat uniforms. Second vehicle is a HD (heavy duty) truck hauling something and also have the official license plate and same uniform. The 3rd and 4th vehicles looks like the swat vehicles. There is no SWAT written on them but they are black in color, close to look of those trucks who delivers money to banks and financial institutions. Then last one is car looks like police vehicle, un-marked with official license plate. All of them has the same official license plate.
Here is the link to what is the US military is doing now. And here is the pdf link about the concentration camps that the military build for people like me (who knows a lot about politicians wrong doing, the rich people wrong doing and such). They build these civilian jails; and why do they need to build a civilian jails? We have jails all over the country for civilians. Because this is where they put people who knows a lot about what is the government is doing now. The so called "terrorist among the US citizens". Isn't it great! NOT.
Just a heads up for every one who live in the USA. Sorry I don't have a picture of what I am talking about. I was going fast and there are other drivers behind me. Not to mention I could not access my camera phone that fast. I'll make sure next time to have my regular camera with me at all times.
OMG! Nedekcir,
That does not sound or look good at all.
Was it not the battle cry of Bush that this world should be respect human rights, democracy and the rule of law?
And reading between your lines, this is alarming!
Yes,WM alarming indeed. Something is going on and we are sitting ducks.
I hope our military will realized that Americans are not the enemy but the government and the people who who are running it.
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