Learning To Use The Potty
YDS has been interested on going in the potty. Wow, I just potty trained my pre-preschooler in June and now my youngest one is asking to use the potty. This is good, he can go to preschool next year, just like my DD. She started preschool at the age of three.
I still put diaper on him, but I always ask him if he wants to use the potty. But sometimes I think I wait to long, and he already wet his diaper. I am so proud of him, I don't even have to start it. He did it himself. He was the first one to show interest on using the potty. Not like the others, I have to introduced it to them.
I can't wait when all of them are potty trained.
that's one smart kid you got.
for sure he won't be wearing any diaper soon..
Have a great day :]
My 14month old wants to use the potty because her big sister is being potty trained but I think I'll wait until she is 2
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