Playing Guitar and Sings
My oldest son (who plays the violin) got a guitar as a gift a few years back, but he hardly touch it. My youngest son who is going into his terrible two's, check every bedroom in the house to see what's inside. Yesterday, I got tired of taking him out of my ODS bedroom to play with the guitar. I took the guitar and gave it to him and he loves playing it. He doesn't know how to play with chords, but strummed that thing like he is professional (so he thinks like one). He even sings while playing it. Mind you he doesn't know that much words but he sings. Next time he play it again, I will record him and post it here. He looks so cute.
Good to see your blog.Learning how to play guitar has never been easy. No more boring lessons and facing a personal instructor wishing he or she could be interesting to make the lesson worth paying.
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