Saturday Save - The Best For Last
We had another tornado watch yesterday. Our second ODS read it flashing on the screen of our TV and was very scared after that. We started with very nice weather and turned into very dark gloomy day. The wind started to picked up and I'm hearing it gusting and whistling through our open windows. I proceeded to close them all and put the shades down. The kids floaty on the swimming just started flying every where. I instructed the kids to go down in the basement just in case.
I was with the last window and it started to down pour. I was so glad it started raining. I can't really imagine not having any roof over our head with this economy. Before the storm started I checked the lottery tickets my PIL gave to us for our birthday and anniversary hoping to have win something, but no luck. We have match two numbers in two separate tickets. It would be nice to off the grid after winning that big one.
Anyway, I just so glad tornado did not develop where we are. However, our cable was off until we went to bed last night. I finished most of my EC drops, but those who drops before I went to bed did not get a drop back from me. I think the wind has something to do for the cable to go off. I'm back now and that's all it matter...well at least that is what I
Happy Weekend, I have to go grocery shop today.
Gosh! Nedekcir,
Thank heavens nothing went amiss. Though I have never experienced a tornado (not that I wish to) I can imagine how dreadful is its path of destruction form Movies and documentaries on TV.
I hope you and family have a great weekend to look forward to after that scare.
God Bless you Always!
lol, nothing to worry mr. windy we are all doing fine, thank you for your concern.
Actually if it did happened, we can't really do anything and just let it run it course. We will not be happy but we will try to survive.
I actually kinda called the creature's help before it start raining. Now very formal, but I'm sure he/she was listening at that moment.
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