Have you ever notice that when a car in front of you is going slow that they are on the cell phone chatting away. Or they pass you going 10 miles over your speed, then all of sudden you are passing them...reason talking on cell phones. Why is it that they slow down while talking on the phone? I don't because I have blue tooth and I pay more attention to the road than the people I'm talking to.
And why drivers used the left lane if they don't want to pass the drivers on the right side? It's very annoying specially when I am in the hurry. There's a Y on the road, you don't have a stop sign, why are you stopping? And don't give me a finger when I honk my horn on you. That means do not stop in the middle of the road, moving vehicles are using it.
I'm going way over the speed limit, stop tail getting me, passing lane is on the left. And it's a yield sign not a stop sign, it means proceed with caution.
LOL... I know exactly what you mean.
thanks petula.
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