Is Your Kid's Cereal Popular?
Breakfast cereals marketed the most aggressively to kids have the worst nutritional quality, according to the new analysis of 161 brands.
Children's cereals were classified as those that had a character on the box, toys or games inside, or the company's Web site listed the brand as a children's cereal.
Kids' cereals had more sugar, sodium, carbohydrate, and calories per gram than non-children's cereals, and less protein and fiber. Sugar accounted for more than one-third of the weight of children's cereals, on average, compared to less than one-quarter of the adult cereals.
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I know all about the nutrition facts of cereal and all, but if your choice is you kids eat a lesser healthy cereal or no breakfast at all, I'll take the lesser healthy. Despite who they are advertised for, sweetened cereals tend to taste better to children and I say if they eat its better then not!
My take on this one is "if they are hungry they will eat anything you give them" specially feeding them good food when they are hungry. And I will not bribe them with anything to eat healthy.
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